The partnership between Sonia and Nova Moto is one year old now. Thanks to Bruno Marlin of Team Les Marluches, who, after his career as a competitor stopped in 2016, now is in charge of Sonia’s assistance, both in Rally and in speed (Ultimate Cup) in 2019.
The contact was made very naturally, in the continuity for Nova Moto whose approach has always been motorcycling, friendly, with the objective of accompanying inspiring people who share the same values.
Before starting a new season, it is the opportunity to share some feelings, confidences with the readers of Nova Moto of a chick full of pep, humor, hard worker and mother. Just a woman on all fronts, including the not insignificant one of motorcycle racing.

Departure of the night special with Laureen, and with …the smile 😉
Nova Moto: You told me, during our first meeting in Dijon, almost a year ago to the day, your motorcycle story.
Can you share it with us here?
Sonia: With pleasure Isabelle, it was around January, (I don’t give you the year, some clever guys could find my age 😉 ) my father asks me what I would like for my 11th birthday. I answer him, like every year at the same time : « – A horse ». And as I felt I was old enough, I added « or a motorcycle ».
11 years old: a motorbike for Sonia!
Don’t ask me why I decided this year, I don’t know. I must have watched something the night before on TV. My parents not being bikers, who knows where this passion came from. In any case, that it was already there, that’s for sure. My father is very good at mechanics and has always tinkered with engines, boats, fiber and mopeds. As far as mopeds go, that was long before I was born. For the rest, I think I’m the boy he always wanted ;). But I’m going out of subject…
So to get back to our story, The day of my birthday coming up, my father said « I found what you wanted ». I said: « A horse? » He said: « No, a motorcycle!!!! » What a surprise! I jumped for joy! (A very good friend of my father’s, who was quite wealthy, had bought his son a motocross bike. The kid was doing one stupid thing after another and had it confiscated. So his father went to my father and said, here, take it. Didn’t you want a motorbike for your daughter?) My father was a real showman, always telling me what’s good for him… (hum) I found out two months ago – when I went to pick up that motorbike from his house that he wanted to throw that his friend hadn’t given it to him, but that he had paid him well.
Now it’s at home and I’m going to restore it (when we’re no longer confined).
And now, a little video to illustrate Sonia’s words!
Nova Moto: The first thing we see when we look at you is a beautiful woman, who knows how to express herself on the bars as well as on paper. How did you become so talented and competitive?
Sonia: Ooh, how do you want me to answer that, I’m a little embarrassed by so many compliments, another question could be lol? Competitive I’ve always been competitive actually. When I was a little girl, I had to be the best in sports. But not at school, the average was enough for me. Otherwise « it would have been necessary » that I worked, which did not delight me lol (it is still the case today lol).
Nova Moto: I remember a girl I met when I was taking my license, who told me that she was riding with guys, very fast, that she was scared to death every time she went out, came back home shaking and sweating, and that every time she progressed. Is that the recipe? To scare oneself and force oneself to go further and further, or to learn with method, application, determination?
Tell us how did you get to this point in your early days?
Sonia: So no, I don’t really like to scare myself, even less since I became a mother. Maybe that’s actually why I’m not faster. I have a strong self-preservation instinct. Maybe yes, it’s less intrusive than in someone else, but it’s there.
To progress
To progress I need to understand the impact of every action on the bike, and only when I am confident can I apply the advice. Unfortunately I have never had the budget to do training courses. I like to think that if I had the chance I would be much better. When you learn on the spot it takes a lot longer and after 35 years I’m afraid you can’t push too hard in the direction of performance.
GS Trophy Women’s Selection – South Africa,
In South Africa with my selection in the GS Trophy women’s team I learnt a lot about off-road driving, in English though maybe, but I will always remember it. So I think the key is to trust each other and never give up. I didn’t think I would be able to ride in inverted gear in 2017, and yet, by repeating the movements, I managed to do it well.

Nova Moto: And today, you are totally multidisciplinary? Road, track, off-road… and we got the feeling that you have a real desire to always try something else, to buy if the opportunity arises a machine and make something out of it, how do you explain this?
Sonia: As I told you earlier, what I like is this positive learning dynamic. You feel good when you discover, looking for the second you’re missing on the track can be very frustrating when you hit that « safety » level. Today I only take the positive, only what really pleases me. I know I have a hard time pushing further once I reach my limit. This margin of safety I give myself. In 2016 I pushed this « margin » on the Rallye des Ardennes where I made a 3rd scratch place, I’m still very proud of it. But now I prefer to discover something else.
Nova Moto: And the body, how do you prepare yourself? And what are your recommendations for an uninitiated person who would like to start on his first rally or a long road trip?
Sonia: Physically I have always been quite athletic, I am not used to any one discipline but I have always been quite fond of everything because I don’t like to stay still. Last year (speed season in Ultimate Cup on an R1) I really realized that the physical level was not sufficient, it was a big blow to my morale, I thought I was always « stronger than everyone » lol.
Physical preparation
In short, speed, enduro, cross-country and endurance riders need a real physical preparation. Reinforcement and fitness, cardio and also endurance (mountain biking). You don’t need a lot of preparation to drive in Road Rally, just stay sharp and know how to rest on the connections to give it all on the special stages. (Personally I prefer to have a direct view of the guys in the paddock in cross country than in rallying…). (I said that out loud to me?……… you’ll cut to the editing eh ) lol (Nova Moto : no no censorship ;)))
Sonia, I can’t resist to steal this new video of physical preparation, which perfectly illustrates my words of humor, detachment … and concrete abs!
Beware of us simple confined people, let’s not take any risks at the moment …personally, I’ll try in a few weeks / month ;))
Nova Moto: There’s something else about you Sonia, your humour, not always tender by the way, your capacity for self-mockery too. In any case, your reports are long, and like big chocolate cakes to be eaten after each race, they delight us every time.
Where does this feather come from: from your teachers or professors who inspired you?
Sonia: I read a lot when I was young. Novels, policemen, boring stuff too. But those were the books imposed on me at school. In dictation I wasn’t at the party, but in writing I delighted my teacher and I often got good marks. Maybe thanks to my rather fertile imagination. They say that the Aquarius are in their bubble… it’s true that I’m often there, but I live it well.
Humor & self-mockery
Not taking yourself seriously also means showing that you can take a distance from things. I don’t mean to play it all down, there are of course serious things to take seriously. Humor and self-mockery puts things into perspective. When I make mistakes, it allows me to always take the positive out of them to move forward.
Nova Moto: Well, 2020 will remain in all the memories, for the moment the first of the 5 rally races dates is cancelled, maybe deleted? But before that, your choice to start again in CFRR rather than in Ultimate Cup was clear, from the end of 2019, can you explain us?
Sonia: The explanation is quite simple, it starts from the key. I wanted to do two seasons of speed to have time to progress. But when I look back, I lost too much money, the financial sponsors are quite complicated to find. I’m not alone, I have a family. Out of passion, I can’t put myself in the red like I did in 2019. I was planning to come back to the rally anyway, it just makes me come back a year earlier than scheduled. It’s no worse than that.

Nova Moto: What are your sportive goals to date?
Sonia: This year I signed a Yamaha contract as a rally support rider. I will ride a Yamaha Niken. You know the 3-wheeler with the controversial appearance with the three cylinders of the MT09. I want to show everyone that this bike is able to stand out thanks to its stability and its great braking. And damn it, stop judging by the physique!!! …what? I’m getting lost again?
So basically I’d like to bring this Niken into the elite. Top 20 in the rankings. A real goal, a good challenge.
Rallies …and road trips…
I also want to share road trips with my personal bike in Off Road my beautiful Ténéré 700. I will be on the Raid des Bardenas as closing marshall for with Gerard Brondy’s team from the Ténéré Spirit Association. I also invite the owners of Ténéré to get in touch with Gerard, there are still a few tickets left. To later realise my Dakar dream by taking part in the Africa Eco Race. For 2022 or 2023.

Nova Moto: What are your professional goals? You are a freelance graphic designer, with SB Créations Graphiques, you already work a little bit in the motorcycle world, let’s take the opportunity to put a new spotlight here. You have already done some coaching for the FFMC 26 07, is it an activity that you could develop to transmit also? What would be for you the best mix sport / job ?
Sonia: I’m a graphic designer because of my professional background, but it’s true that motorcycling is something I love. I like to transmit what I have learned. I still do it on track for the girls’ group on FFMC days, but also off road for friends on Trail. Passing the CQP is something that would like.
And as you say 50/50 would be ideal because I can’t get away from home for long, my son is still young.
Nova Moto: Thank you very much for taking part in the question game Sonia, I’ll leave you the last word.
Sonia: With pleasure Isa, thank you for your friendship and your support in financing the Gimoto V-Race 2.5 Motoairbag equipment.
To keep in touch with Sonia, follow her Instagram or Facebook accounts @SoniaBarbot134. Sonia still needs financial sponsors for this 2020 season in the French Road Rally Championship, if you would like to be part of the adventure alongside her partners like Nova Moto, here is the direct contact:

Text: Sonia Barbot (01 04 2020) & Isabelle Maillet
Pictures and vidéos : Sonia Barbot